Client: Institute of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia The results of the survey administered to the full membership body of all Congregations that are members of the Institute was encapsulated in this report to the national leadership body of the Institute. With a participation rate above 80%, this survey has achieved an almost unmatchable…
Category: Client Activities
ThinkEvans is a boutique management consultancy – we do a particular type of work, and make to measure outcomes for each client. So we don’t have a process that we cut and paste a client into, nor do we work by a 10 slide pack that looks not a whole lot different from one client to the next.
That gives clients many benefits in terms of knowing that what we recommend is really for them and not just any organisation that we work with. You’ll see from the variety of clients, and diverse things we have addressed for them, that whatever question your organisation may have, we can find the answer.
And because we are grownups, if that answer would better come from somewhere else, not us, we’ll tell you that too.
Media for military justice feedback
Client: Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force Australian Defence Force newspapers feature the opportunity for individuals to provide their feedback on military justice All three Services newspapers – for the Navy, Army and Air Force – today carried advertisements to bring to the attention of members the new facility to provide feedback about individual…
Military justice feedback goes live
Client: Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force Australian Defence Force – launch of the military justice feedback facility A new facility for the Australian Defence Force military justice system was today taken live by ThinkEvans. The system is online, accessible from any internet-connected computer, and provides members with the opportunity to give feedback about…
Military justice feedback facility launched
Client: Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force Taking the next step in developing a comprehensive picture of the health and effectiveness of the military justice system, IGADF today released for use the online facility by which Defence personnel can provide their feedback on military justice processes. Open to all personnel who have experienced either…
Draft report: ‘Shaping the Direction’
Client: Institute of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia Based on the results of the survey administered to the full membership body of all Congregations that are members of the Institute, this draft report brought to the Reconfiguring Committee the detailed data that supported the report of the Task Group which had been charged to…
Briefing to Task Group: ‘Shaping the Direction’
Client: Institute of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia This briefing paper and presentation provided the first insights into the results of the related survey which closed for responses on 4 August 2009. The project team provided a tiered briefing, with all aspects of the data analysed and presented, but the primary focus being placed…
Survey closes: ‘Shaping the Model’
Client: Institute of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia The online facility for completing this survey closed today, with more than 450 of the Sisters having completed their survey online. Surveys completed in hard copy will be added to the data base before the total results set is analysed for presentation and further consideration.
Updating measurement of military justice
Client: Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force JADHE* 2.1 Updating the measurement of military justice outcomes JADHE* v2.1 is now an integrated and completely revised web site facility. In addition to the site, this project milestone includes a further report to update the documentation of performance and outcomes of the military justice system in…
Survey design: ‘Shaping the Model’
Client: Institute of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia The final design of the survey was released today in online and print formats. All Sisters in Congregations that are members of the Institute – nearly 1500 around Australia and Papua New Guinea – will have the opportunity to express their views on key issues before…
Josephites: 2020 & beyond
Client: Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart This discussion paper was prepared to assist the national leadership group of the Sisters of St Joseph (the order founded by Mother Mary MacKillop and Father Julian Tenison Woods) in their consideration of governance models which are likely to be sustainable over the…

Inside the Innovation Matrix
Client: the Australian Business Foundation Subtitled ‘finding the hidden human dimensions’, this book is a compendium of expert papers from academics and business leaders that probe into the process of innovation to better understand the intricacies involved. Carolyn Evans, Managing Director of ThinkEvans, led this project on behalf of our client, the Australian Business Foundation….
JADHE* v2 Implementation
Client: Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force Measuring Military Justice – JADHE* v2 Implementation Report A further report in the ongoing work on the health and effectiveness of the military justice system This report accompanied a fully functional web site which houses the performance measurement and reporting system known as JADHE*, the prototype system…

Decision making for growth
Client: NSW Department of State & Regional Development Based on the success of the events programme in 2007, this was essentially an operations plan for 2008. The ask was to deliver a new series of events and to operate an online discussion forum for women engaged in manufacturing businesses. Based on this plan, a year…
Goodbye ‘Mary Wells’
Client: Contiki Holidays (Australia) Task – Strategy Update: Review of 2006 census and historical data and reconstruction of client typographies for target client group. Effectively since its inception, the Contiki brand has centred its marketing strategy around a conception of women 18-25 which was iconically based in the women typical of the times – known…
Good governance in the third millennium
Client: Institute of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia This discussion paper was prepared to assist the national leadership group of the Sisters of Mercy in their consideration of governance models which are likely to be sustainable over the coming decades, in the face of “climate change” in their demography. Based on a mathematical model…
JADHE* v2 Design
Client: Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force Measuring Military Justice JADHE* v2 Design Report This completes Phase 1 of the development of a fully-realised JADHE* system, growing out from the prototype system delivered originally in 2003. This design takes account of the recommendations of the Senate Inquiry in Military Justice which has been completed…

On globalising research
Client: Centre for Defence And Industry Systems Capability and the University City Project, Premier’s Department (South Australia) This discussion paper was intended to engender debate in the defence and related industries present in South Australia about the opportunities that may emerge over an extended time horizon.
On supply strategy
Client: Catholic Healthcare Ltd Based on a desk top study plus a variety of site visits, this review reflected on the current operations of the supply chain arrangements for Catholic Healthcare as a group, and looked particularly at issues of good governance in this particular environment.
Leadership Skills Survey Final Report
Client: Department of Environment & Heritage A response rate of over 70% to an online survey conducted in 2006 provided very sound statistical substantiation for the conclusions presented in this report. A very clear, albeit surprising, indication of leadership development priorities emerged based on the review of leadership issues on which staff expressed their perceptions….
Just Culture
Client: Railcorp (NSW) Sub-titled Measuring Outcomes of the Initiative to Promote Cultural Change in Railcorp this report considered the manner and means of collecting sound evidence of cultural change that may – or may not – have been achieved as a result of an organisation-wide cultural change programme.
Ready to Grow
Client: NSW Department of State & Regional Development This exploratory engagement was undertaken to engender involvement of women in manufacturing businesses of all sizes. Essentially a programme of 6 events through 2007, women were engaged from sole trader manufacturers right through to women in the operations of Australia’s largest manufacturing businesses.
IT Staffing Review
Client: IMB Banking and Financial Services Ltd To contribute to a consortium (comprised largely of specialist HR consultants), ThinkEvans was engaged to interview relevant staff and contribute to the formulation of a report on this matter. With many more strategic issues at hand than was first anticipated, ThinkEvans ultimately played a lead role in advising…
Leadership Skills Survey Preliminary Report
Client: Department of Environment & Heritage To determine priorities for re-development of their leadership training and education programmes, the Department wished to take stock of the perceptions of individual people employed in the Department about the leadership skills of team leaders at all levels. An online survey was used as the most appropriate and cost-efficient…
The future of fragrance
Client: The Nuance Group (Australia) The Future of Fragrance: Australian Experiences A strategic analysis of the evolving structure of the market for fine fragrances in Australia, tracing the impact of changes to importing legislation in Australia and consequent realignment of costs structure and market shares. The main take away spoke to the fundamental shift away…
Service Desk Report Card
Client: CSC (Australia) Task – a computer services provided to many major Australian organisations and others around the world, CSC Australia requested an independent assessment of the performance of their service desk. Based on our observations on customer service, a full report to the company was provided; however, we also developed a submission on the…
The agency ‘lucky dip’
Client: Contiki Holidays (Australia) The ‘lucky dip’ to find an open-minded, positive, well-informed travel agency Task – conduct “mystery shopping” or blind interviews to assess the extent to which travel agencies correctly promote and sell Contiki products.